Benefits of Vitamin B5 (Pantothenic Acid) in Multi Ways

Pantothenic Acid is a multi-tasking vitamin that is highly beneficial for your body. It is commonly known as Vitamin B5. This type of B vitamin works as an effective dietary supplement that is present in a variety of foods. There are distinct advantages that you can get having it.

Effects on hair

Pantothenic Acid is very beneficial for your hair care routine. It provides nourishment to your hair and scalp in many ways:

* It works well as a moisturizing agent on your hair.  

* It makes your hair look more volume and gives your hair a pretty shape. 

* It also makes your hair stronger and softer and prevents breakage. 

* It boosts your hair growth and puts a stop to hair loss. 

Weight losing component

Scientists have invented that converting white fat into brown can be a fruitful solution to obesity. On this occasion, they choose pantothenic acid as the working compound. It converts fat and carbohydrate into soluble energy.

If you want to lose weight, make sure that Vitamin B5 is added to your diet chart. 

Beneficial for skin

 * You can apply this vitamin as a moisturizer on your face. It keeps your face hydrated. If you have dry and rough skin, Vitamin B5 is perfect for you. 

* It works as an anti-aging product on your skin. It smoothens fine lines and softens your skin. It pumps up the upper layer of your skin and hides wrinkles.

* It has anti-inflammatory properties that enhance the healing process of skin wounds. It also helps you to remove all the skin blemishes and acne from your face.

Natural Sources of Vitamin B5

The deficiency of Vitamin B5 is not so common. But if your body requires it, there are many affordable food sources of Vitamin B5:

* Meat: chicken, beef, pork, duck, and especially animal organs such as kidneys and liver.

* Vegetables

* Dairy products 

* Legumes 

* Whole grains are also a high source of it. 

Concern for adequate use

As vitamin B5 is soluble in water, it is excreted in the urine. Hence, you need to consume it regularly to maintain its balance in your body. But immoderate intake of it can cause diarrhea, unnecessary bleeding, and an imbalance of other B vitamins. So, you must check whether there is an excessive amount of Pantothenic Acid in your daily routine. 


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