6 Top Beneficial Ways of eating garlic extract

Garlic is very good for the heart. There has been considerable research on its ability to lower cholesterol and blood pressure, as well as its ability to prevent atherosclerosis, the buildup of plaque in the heart's arteries that can lead to strokes and coronary heart attacks.

When you eat garlic extract, allicin enters your body through the digestive system and is then transported throughout the body where it works in many beneficial ways that will be discussed later in the article.

● Blood pressure

Several studies have shown that garlic extract can significantly lower blood pressure in people with high blood pressure. A study published in 2013 found that garlic extract taken in doses of 600 to 1500 mg was as effective as atenolol, a commonly prescribed blood pressure medication.

● Cholesterol

Another way that garlic extract and fresh garlic itself can benefit your heart is by lowering both LDL and total cholesterol levels. Several studies have shown that garlic extract can lower cholesterol by 10 to 15%. These findings have led researchers to believe that garlic extract can be used as a natural treatment for people with high cholesterol.

● Atherosclerosis

Recent studies have shown that garlic extract can specifically reverse the damage caused by the arterial build-up of plaque called atherosclerosis in older adults. After treatment with 2400 mg of aged garlic extract daily for one year, patients showed significant improvement including reduced plaque levels and slower progression.

● Cold

There is good news for those who suffer from annoying and debilitating seasonal colds. Research shows that garlic can prevent colds and help relieve symptoms more quickly.

In one trial, 146 volunteers had been dealt with garlic extract or a placebo for three months between November and February. Those given the garlic extract had significantly fewer colds and reported being sick than the placebo group.

● Lose weight

Don't expect dramatic improvements or quick gains, but there is some evidence that garlic extract can help people lose weight and lower their BMI. A study published in 2012 found that 80 mg of aged garlic extract per day helped participants lose weight over 12 weeks.

● Cancer

Garlic and its extracts can help boost the immune system, enabling it to defend itself against cancer and other diseases. In vitro studies have indicated that garlic can destroy cancer cells while population studies have shown that those who consume garlic have a lower risk of stomach and colon cancer.

Many of the therapeutic benefits of garlic come from a powerful chemical compound known as allicin, which is also responsible for garlic's unique aroma.


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