An Insight Into The Benefits Of Gymnema


The full name of Gymnema is Gymnema sylvestre. It is a prevalent medicine in the herbal world. It has been an integral part of our Ayurveda for ages. It is primarily taken in used to cure diabetes patients as it works best in disabling all the cravings for sweetness which in turn results in giving relief from diabetes. Due to its ability to work on diabetes, it is also known as “Gur Mar.”

In ancient times, it was used to cure snake bites, malaria, Eyesight problems, and much more. Leaves are the most beneficial part of the whole Gymnema plant. It is mostly available to its consumer in the form of capsules, powder, and even tea. 


● Gymnema can help greatly in lowering the sugar level in the blood as it is also known as a sugar absorbent. High blood sugar level is a characteristic of diabetes so we can say that it helps in controlling Diabetes. 

● It is mainly taken in used to prevent heart disease. The simple reason for this is Gymnema helps in the regulation of the body’s fat absorption level in consumers by lowering the consumption level of unhealthy cholesterol.

● The greatest benefit of Gymnema is that it’s ayurvedic. It is a natural method of treating many diseases which is the greatest reason people rely on it. 

● Works as a great supplement for people who are trying hard to lose weight. Again due to its sugar absorption property, it helps in maintaining a healthy diet. 

Side Effects

Apart from numerous benefits, Gymnema too has some side effects. These are as-

● If you are a diabetes patient and are already consuming your medicines to lower your blood sugar level and you are also consuming Gymnema, then it may cause lowering your sugar level then the safest point.

● Consumption of Gymnema at times when you are taking insulin injections can be problematic. It may result in different problems like nausea, headache, and dizziness.

● Although it does have a lot of benefits for a person having diabetes, it should be consumed very carefully as it can otherwise prove to be as dangerous if not taken properly. Consult your doctor before consuming it.


● For general use, studies show that Gymnema can be consumed 4 times a day with an average dosage of 100 milligram capsules. 

● For people who want to lower their sugar level, 200-400 milligrams of dosage can prove to work fine on diabetes.

The End Words

Gymnema is a great and highly effective natural supplement to fight against many health issues. It is highly recommended to be consumed by diabetic patients. But as it does have some side effects too, it should be consumed after properly consulting with the doctor.


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