Some rules to consider DHEA uses

 Adds to bone mass

* Because of these links, scientists are investigating whether or not DHEA might boost bone density in the elderly.

* Taking this supplement for a year to two years may increase bone density in older women, but not in men, according to certain research.

However, the majority of these studies only lasted six months or less, so it's conceivable that DHEA supplementation had no impact.

Impacts on women

Since DHEA levels typically decline with age, some experts have suggested that restoring these hormone levels would slow down the aging process.

* Additionally, early research suggests that taking a DHEA supplement may help slow the effects of aging. However, the same number of research have failed to find a meaningful effect.

* Increasing bone density may need more time spent using this supplement, and its impact may be more noticeable in older women.

The advantages

Since DHEA is found in the body already, its supplementation has been called into doubt.

The main reason for this is the age-related reduction in DHEA levels, which has been linked to an increase in the risk of several diseases.

* Actually, it is estimated that by the time a person reaches middle age, their DHEA levels have decreased by as much as 80%. This is not only an issue for the elderly since levels begin to decline after the age of 30.

* There is an association between low DHEA levels and an increased danger of bone fractures, as well as an elevated chance of cardiovascular illness, depression, and mortality.

Prevention from aging

Contrary to popular belief, DHEA supplements do not prevent aging.

* The full range of DHEA's effects is still not known to science. Although its precise function is still being debated, researchers know that it acts as a precursor to both testosterone and estrogen.

* Precursors are chemical building blocks used by the body in the synthesis of hormones.

* A portion of it is changed into the primary sex chemicals in both sexes, namely testosterone and estrogen.

* After this transformation occurs, testosterone, estrogen, and DHEA might all have a role in influencing its after-effects.

In conclusion

It's a natural part of aging to have lower natural levels of testosterone and estrogen. Supplemental DHEA, if taken orally, may stimulate the body to produce more of these hormones. That's why so many advocates claim they're healthy for your well-being. The long-term ramifications of DHEA use are also largely unclear.


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