Functioning of Kidneys Maintained by POTASSIUM CITRATE Supplements

It is pretty embarrassing when you suffer from kidney issues such as stones, urinary incontinence, and others. Studies revealed that kidney and bladder issues result from a mineral imbalance. It is also found that POTASSIUM CITRATE supplements can help in maintaining the mineral and pH balance.

Potassium citrate supplements help maintain the urine pH balance due to the alkaline salt. This reduces acids in the body. 


The chemical properties of potassium citrate offer several benefits, and it is often considered a therapeutic supplement.

Kidney Function:

The most significant benefit offered is that it promotes the normal functioning of the kidneys. It balances the level of calcium, preventing it from reaching high levels. This, in turn, reduces the risks of developing hypercalciuria, a condition that results in the formation of kidney stones. 

Mineral Density:

The density of minerals in the bones especially is maintained by the POTASSIUM CITRATE supplements. This reduces the chances of developing conditions like osteoporosis, which makes the bones brittle and prone to fractures.

Heart health:

These supplements are also proven to have significant effects on maintaining good heart health. It will help regulate blood pressure and reduce the chances of heart failure or risk of stroke.

Need for It

Apart from overall good health and growth, you will need an adequate amount of potassium in your body, especially if you are following any specific weight loss regime. In such situations, most dieticians and trainers will suggest you take POTASSIUM CITRATE supplements.

This will ensure that the additional amount of potassium in your body balances the reduction in the activities of the enzymes, a common occurrence during weight loss. This will help in marinating the flow of potassium in your body according to the desired balance of sodium.

Also, women who are dieting after menopause need to take potassium supplements to prevent the loss of muscle in these situations. It will, in fact, help in gaining muscles in about three months if you have lost any.

Side effects

There are some side effects of POTASSIUM CITRATE supplements. Therefore, stop using it if you experience the following:

* Confusion

* Anxiety

* Unconsciousness

* Uneven heartbeat

* Increased urination

* Extreme thirst

* Discomfort in legs

* Weak muscles

* Limp feeling

* Numbness in mouth

* Stomach pain

* Vomiting 

* Diarrhea

* Unusual stools

* Blood in cough

* Brown vomit

* Nausea

However, it happens only when you overdose or use any inferior product bought for cheap from any unreliable source.


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