Does Bromelain Have Side Effects?


Bromelain is a proteolytic enzyme that causes the body to make substances. These substances help to fight pain and swelling. It contains chemicals that interfere with tumor cells and slow blood clotting.

People use bromelain extract to treat pain, burns, muscle soreness, and kidney stones. It is helpful for many other conditions as well. However, there is not enough scientific evidence to support the use of bromelain. 

You can’t confuse bromelain with other proteolytic enzymes like ficin, trypsin, chymotrypsin, papain, and serrapeptase. These enzymes are not the same, and the working processes are also different.

Forms and Doses of Bromelain

Bromelain can be bought in tablet or pill form if you prefer oral ingestion. It is also available in cream form that is suitable for topical use. However, it’s extracted from pineapple, and drinking pineapple juice doesn’t supply a sufficient amount of bromelain. 

Before using bromelain, it is recommended to consult with a doctor and follow the doctor’s directions. Doctors mainly suggest taking 80 to 400 milligrams of bromelain per serving twice a day. Also, it is recommended to take bromelain with meals to aid digestion and reduce inflammation.

Side Effects and Risks of Bromelain

Before consuming bromelain extract, make sure to discuss it with your doctor. It may cause side effects in some people, especially when they take it in high doses. The side effects of bromelain are; nausea, diarrhea, vomiting, and heavy menstrual bleeding.

If you take blood thinner like Pradaxa or Warfarin, it is recommended not to use bromelain. It may have an adverse effect on the blood and increase the potential for excessive bleeding. Therefore, the use of bromelain is not recommended after any surgery.

People who are allergic to pineapple should not have bromelain. It may cause an allergic reaction in people allergic to pineapple. Bromelain also reacts with people who are allergic to some substances, including latex, fennel, grass pollen, celery, wheat, and carrots.


Bromelain is derived from pineapples. Still, manufacturers sell bromelain in the form of cream, capsules, powder, and tablets.

Manufacturers also package bromelain extract with other supplements, such as conjugated linoleic acid. It is a compound that helps in weight loss.

Bromelain has positive and significant effects on various health conditions like cancer, burns, and osteoarthritis. Still, it has many side effects as well. 

So, it will be wise to consult a doctor before consuming bromelain. When someone faces issues due to using bromelain, they should stop consuming it immediately.


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